ARDF - Evaluation with

ARDF-FjwW    and SportIdent®  

Program features in facts
Program is running on Windows PC with Windows XP or higher and support
all possible international character sets (Unicode).
The languages English, German, French, Dutch, Czech, Russian, Polish
for program operation and in the result lists can be different.
Interface to SportIdent BSF/M 7/8 stations.
Different methods and options of drawing the starting order of the participants according to different national and international rules.
Extensive possibilities for generation of result lists;
Design of the output data in start/result lists by the user is possible.
Different configuration for displaying and printing of results.
Ready to load up to 32 contests, each with almost unlimited number of competitors;
parallel evaluation of several competitions on same day;
Summary of the results of several competitions for Cup/Ranking scores.
Context sensitive help and additional programs and tools
FjwMap - Planning fox positions, easy provision data for FjwW, display running routes after competition
FjwLay - Support certificate series printing
DCFGPSvdb - DCF/GPS receiving to set PC clock exactly

These lists can be create
Results of individual and team rating
Special lists with runtimes fox-to-fox, fox sequences, statistics, cooperation and more
The program complies with the ARDF regulations of IARU Region 1. Special score rating for countries such as GER, CHN, RUS, ROU, CRO exists.
Grafical list to compare individual results
Individual lists and finish tickets for each competitor immediately entering the finish,
custom ticket layouts can be implemented with FjwLay
Speech output (TTS) of results of competitors direct at finish
Total rating, distrikt/ranking list of up to 32 contests
Start list and other special lists. Special evaluation for countries GER, RUS, ROU, CHN.
Program FjwLay for support of certificate series printing

Support for quickly registration of competitors with extensive names data list (more than 9000 entries)
Balloting of start sequence with many options (concerning IARU-R1-WG also)
Integrated service tool to programming of SportIdent stations and backup of stored data in station
Additional program FjwWdispl to display results on further PCs over LAN/WLAN network (also serial interface),
e.g. immediate display of the position of the participant who has just read out his chip
Integrated HTTP/DNS server for displaying results on local PC Internet browsers, also Smartphones in the finish area.
FTP client for automated upload of result files to the Internet.
Additional program FjwMap for detailed plannning of fox locations and keeping the
guidelines for all categories, preparation of the locations for FjwW, support GPS, NMEA, SRTM ...
Speech output to announce next competitors to start; generation of start beeps
Interface for receiving the fox arrival times when sending via a radio link to the finish,
immediate processing and diaplaying these data
Additional tool to convert lists of any origin into input format of FjwW.
Lists can be generate in different formats: TXT, HTML/CSS, RTF, EDAD, JSON, CSV
for export to programs like e.g. MS-WORD/EXCEL.

Two details of lists as examples

Many competitions that have taken place can be found as examples under

A practicable configuration for displaying and printing, interface to SportIdent

References:   The MS-DOS predecessor of FjwW was applyed in all German Championships since 1995 and in 8th World-Championships 1997.
This current Window version exists since 2002 and was used at World-Championships 2002 in Slovakia, 2006 Bulgaria, 2008 Korea, 2010 Croatia, 2012 Serbia, 2014 Kazakhstan, 2016 Bulgaria, 2018 Korea and at the Region1-Championships 2005 in Serbia, 2009 Bulgaria, 2011 Romania, 2013 Poland, 2017 Lithuania, 2019 Slowenia, 2021 Bulgaria and at numerous regional competitions in Germany.
ARDF-FjwW is now used in 24 countries outside Germany.

Further details see on   or

Contact relating to FjwW: Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Schade, Berlin
Contact relating to SportIdent: AES Arnstadt, Germany

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